How DOES our time in the womb affect us as adults?
Rosanna, founder of Injoy Yoga and RozyGlow, shares her 20 years experience in pre and neonatal psychology, trauma and early influences with Charmaine, Birthlight Pregnancy and Baby Yoga teacher, Doula and Aromatherapist. Looking at the political leaders of today and discussing how the influences of WW1 and WW2 impact how we perceive and deal with stress and 'threatening' situations.
How does pregnancy yoga and baby yoga help prevent AND process challenging and stressful experiences and emotions in pregnancy and early parenthood?
Why is NOW probably the most critical time in the past 100 years for preventing a build up of cellular memory trauma in the next four generations?
What are the long lasting benefits of joining Birthlight pregnancy and baby yoga online?
We are facing today both a powerful opportunity to clear the last 4 generations of unprocessed pre and neonatal trauma AND also prevent this happening AGAIN through the current response to the 'invisible enemy' we are all apparently having to 'suppress and fight'.
WHATEVER the stress trigger is, it is ESSENTIAL we know how to process challenging circumstances and emotions so that we can develop in the womb optimally and overcome birth trauma quickly, so there is NO IMPACT on the development of secure bonds, feeling safe in the world and growing up inspired to be part of the solution rather than increasing the risk of future generations being paralysed by fear, experiencing chronic physical issues and battling mental health issues.
This is a very informative and short video that sheds light on what can only be described as a disproportionate fear response to an unknown enemy that isn't as threatening as first perceived. WHY? this all starts with our time in the the video!
If you would like to experience our pregnancy and baby yoga classes, here is the link to join:
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Online Pregnancy & Birth Preparation Yoga
Sunday | 10:30 am | 1hr
Online Newborn & Baby Postnatal Yoga (0-4+ mos)
Tuesday | 11:00 am | 1hr
Blessings and love
RozyGlow and the team